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Staff Videos

Summer 2024

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Showing the children the Courthill spirit of resilience. Have a lovely to all the families.

Christmas 2023

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Staff Summer Video - 2023

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We wish you all a relaxing and safe summer.

Staff Christmas Video 2022

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We are wishing you all a very merry Christmas 'This Christmas'.

The Courthill Staff wish all of our children and families a lovely summer.

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Merry Christmas from everyone at Courthill

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This is Courthill

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A video that is dedicated to all of the children at Courthill, especially our Year 2s who leave us today. This film was released when they joined us in Foundation Stage and we have always loved listening to the songs with them. A special thanks to Miss Young who has worked hard on our videos during lockdown and kept us all (children and staff) entertained.

When We Think of You

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A Message from Courthill Staff

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Staff Summer Video

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All of the staff at Courthill hope you have a very happy summer break, riding shotgun!

All of the staff at Courthill want to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a hppy new year. A special thanks to Paula Haynes, who always works so hard on our videos.

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End of Summer Term Staff Video 2018

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Christmas Staff Video 2017

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